FORM A4 - To be completed for Debits and Credits to Non-residents Accounts of all types other than the Accounts of Non-residents Banks, requiring approval of Reserve Bank or for Report to Reserve Bank)
FORM DA1 - Nomination under Section 45ZA of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 and Rule2/1 of the Banking Companies Nomination Rules, 1985 in respect of Bank Deposits
FORM DA2 - Cancellation of nomination under Section 45 ZA of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and Rule 2/5 of the Banking Companies Nomination Rules, 1985 in respect of bank deposits
FORM DA3 - Variation of nomination under Section 45ZA of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and Rule 2/6 of the Banking Companies Nomination Rules, 1985 in respect of bank deposits
FORM FNC7 - Application for permission under Section 29 of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 1973 to purchase shares in India of any company carrying on trade commerce or industry
FORM IPI-1 - Applicatiom for permission under section 31(1) of FERA, 1973 to acquire and hold immovable property in India
FORM IPI-5 - Declaration of immovable property acquired or held in india under the general permission granted vide reserve bank's notification no. Fera/133/93-rd dated 26th april, 1993
FORM IPI-7 - Declaration of immovable property acquired by way purchase in india under the general permission granted vide reserve bank's notification no. Fera. 152/93-rb dated 26th may, 1993
FORM IPI-8 - Application For Permission To Repatriate The Original Invesment Made In Commercial/Residential Immovable Property/Ies Situated In India
FORM LEG - Application For Remittance Of Legacies, Bequests Or Inheritances To Beneficiaries Resident Outside India
FORM NRC - Application from an overseas company/partnership firm/society/ trust or any other corporate body predominantly owned by non-residents of Indian nationality/origin for permission under Section 29 -1/b of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 to purchase shares of Indian companies through stock exchange/s in India without benefit of repatriation of capital invested and income earned thereon.
FORM NRI - Application from non-resident individuals of Indian nationality or origin for permission under Section 29-1/b of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 to purchase shares of Indian companies through stock exchangers in India without benefits of repatriation of capital invested and income earned thereon
FORM NRSR - Application-Cum-Undertaking Form For Opening Of Non-Resident Special Rupee -NRSR Account
FORM NRU - Form of undertaking regarding non-repatriation of capital to be invested in firms/companies in India
FORM OAC - Performa of Overseas Auditor/Chartered Accountant/ Certified Public Accountant's Certificate
FORM OAC1 - Performa of Overseas Auditor/Chartered Accountant/ Certified Public Accountant's Certificate
FORM RCI - Application for remittance of income/interest earned by NRIs/OCBs from their investments/deposits etc. held with Indian companies on non-repatriation basis.
FORM RPI - Application from non-resident individuals of Indian nationality or origin for permission under Section 29-1/b of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 to purchase shares of Indian companies through stock exchange/s in India with benefits of repatriation of capital invested and income earned thereon.
FORM RSU - Application for permission for issue/transfer of shares by a Sick Indian Company to non-residents of Indian nationality/origin -NRIs and overseas corporate bodies -OCBs owned to the extent of at least 60 per cent by such person.
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