How to write an RTI Application?
- Your name, address, contact telephone number and your email id
- Information about Public Information officer, name, address e.t.c. Locate central Government PIO's here! In case you have problems locating your PIO/APIO you can address your RTI application to the Pio C/o Head of Department and send it to the concerned Public Authority with the requisite application fee. The Head of Department will have to forward your application to the concerned PIO.
- Do not adress your RTI application to the PIO by his name, just in case he gets transferred or a new PIO is designated in his place.
- Are there any organization in Government not covered under RTI Act?
- Mode of Payment available with CPIO, the fees, and Contact person to receive the application. (In most of the cases the Assistant Chief Public Information officer, ACPIO or directly the CPIO).
- Public Authorities under the centre, states, legislatures and Supreme/High courts have framed separate rules for RTI. The amount of fees and the mode of payment varies and you should check the correct rules as applicable in your case.
Generally, you can deposit your application fee via:
- In person by paying cash [remember to take your receipt]
- By Post through:
- Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque
- Indian Postal Order
- Money orders (only in some states)
- Affixing Court fee Stamp (only in some states)
- Some state governments have prescribed some head of account. You are required to deposit fee in that account. For that, you can either go to any branch of SBI and deposit cash in that account and attach deposit receipt with your RTI application. Or you can also send a postal order or a DD drawn in favour of that account along with your RTI application. Please see respective state rules for complete details
- For Public Authorities under Central RTI rules, DoPT has recently clarified that BC/DD/IPO can be in favour of "Accounts Officer".
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