How to File a Second Appeal under RTI? (For Central Public Authorities)
Kindly follow these guidelines for filling Second Appeal at Central Information Commission.
- Fill in the above appeal/complaint form, index and chronological order of progress. If you are filing appeal remove complaint/complainant words. If complaint is being filed, cut words second appeal/appellant”Get it typed in double space.
- Get one photocopy of:
Original application under RTI with its enclosures, First appeal with its enclosures
Bank demand draft/pay slip/postal order/cash receipt used for paying filing fee of Rs.10/-and other charges
Copy of demand letter of CPIO for charges if any , Postal proof of mailing original application and first appeal
Postal AD slips/official acknowledgement received from CPIO and FAA, Decisions of CPIO and FAA if received
- Arrange all papers as per index and then serially number all papers on right hand side top corner. This is one original set of second appeal/complaint. Prepare additional four sets as above by photocopying.
- Sign each page of appeal, index and chronology chart [all five sets]. Self attest all the photocopies by signing under the word “Attested”Send one set by speed/regdad/upc post to each of CPIO and FAA and attach photocopy of proof of mailing to the original, extra copy of second appeal/complaint and your copy after filling details in index/chronology chart.
- Mail original set and one extra copy of set by registered AD to the commission at the following address:
The Registrar,
II floor, August Kranti Bhavan,
Bhikaji Kama Place,
NEW DELHI 110066
- Avoid courier services.Retain one set for your record and reference, with proof of mailing and AD received from CIC/CPIO/FAA for having received second appeal/complaint. If postal AD card is not received or acknowledgement letter is not received from CIC within 15 days of mailing, it is better to send by speed post copy of only second appeal/complaint [without enclosures] with a request to trace the same at CIC. Photocopy of regd post receipt may also be mailed to CIC. You can consult local NGO/RTI activist for filing first or second appeal to have better result. Services are generally free.
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