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Advocate Seema Dhavale

        141.  DELHI HIGH COURT  :  Dated  8 October, 2007
            Living Seperately Fit case for Anticiparoty Bail

       142.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA :  Dated  25 August, 2004
            Reverses Cancellation of bail

       143.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA :  Dated  29 January, 2008
            Acknowledging the 498a misuse - Grant Bail in 498a

       144.  DELHI HIGH COURT  :  Dated 17 June 2010
            Brilliant Judge Dhingra Used Physics in 304B Bail

       145.  PUNJAB-HARYANA HIGH COURT  :  Dated  28 January, 2010
            Bails should not be cancelled in a mechanical manner

       146.  PUNJAB-HARYANA HIGH COURT  :  Dated  25 September, 2009
            Recovery not effected not a reason to cancel AB

       147.  KOLKATTA HIGH COURT  : Dated  2 September, 2009
            Cal.H.C. A.B.U/S438 Cannot be denied-non pay.maintenan
       148.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 14 March, 2008
           Cancelling bail (due to violation) is not always mandatory

       149.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 17 August 2001
           Criminal Revision Application and Direction to Reinvestigation

       150.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 21 July 2009
           Powers under Sections 173(8) for Reinvestigation

       151.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 13 August 2009
           Jurisdiction and Reinvestigation

       152.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 01 November 2006
           Jurisdiction Citations for 498a

       153.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 17 August 2004
           Jurisdiction Citations
       154.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 05 October 1999
           Jurisdiction Citations
       155.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 27 August 2003
          Material evidence required on demand of dowry

       156.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 25 July 2003
          Material evidence required on demand of dowry
       157.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 17 August 2007
          Material evidence required on demand of dowry
       158.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 05 June 2007
          Material evidence required on demand of dowry

       159.  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  :  Dated 05 January 2007
          Material evidence required on demand of dowry

      160.  DELHI HIGH COURT :  Dated 30 April 2007
          Material evidence required on demand of dowry

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